T-7.II The Law of the Kingdom
1. To heal is the only kind of thinking in this world that resembles the Thought of God, and because of the elements they share, can transfer easily to it. ²When a brother perceives himself as sick, he is perceiving himself as not whole, and therefore in need. ³If you, too, see him this way, you are seeing him as if he were absent from the Kingdom or separated from it, thus making the Kingdom itself obscure to both of you. ⁴Sickness and separation are not of God, but the Kingdom is. ⁵If you obscure the Kingdom, you are perceiving what is not of God.
2. To heal, then, is to correct perception in your brother and yourself by sharing the Holy Spirit with him. ²This places you both within the Kingdom, and restores its wholeness in your mind. ³This reflects creation, because it unifies by increasing and integrates by extending. ⁴What you project or extend is real for you. ⁵This is an immutable law of the mind in this world as well as in the Kingdom. ⁶However, the content is different in this world, because the thoughts it governs are very different from the Thoughts in the Kingdom. ⁷Laws must be adapted to circumstances if they are to maintain order. ⁸The outstanding characteristic of the laws of mind as they operate in this world is that by obeying them, and I assure you that you must obey them, you can arrive at diametrically opposed results. ⁹This is because the laws have been adapted to the circumstances of this world, in which diametrically opposed outcomes seem possible because you can respond to two conflicting voices.
3. Outside the Kingdom, the law that prevails inside is adapted to “What you project you believe”. ²This is its teaching form, because outside the Kingdom learning is essential. ³This form implies that you will learn what you are from what you have projected onto others, and therefore believe they are. ⁴In the Kingdom there is no teaching or learning, because there is no belief. ⁵There is only certainty. ⁶God and His Sons, in the surety of being, know that what you extend you are. ⁷That form of the law is not adapted at all, being the law of creation. ⁸God Himself created the law by creating by it. ⁹And His Sons, who create like Him, follow it gladly, knowing that the increase of the Kingdom depends on it, just as their own creation did.
4. Laws must be communicated if they are to be helpful. ²In effect, they must be translated for those who speak different languages. ³Nevertheless, a good translator, although he must alter the form of what he translates, never changes the meaning. ⁴In fact, his whole purpose is to change the form so that the original meaning is retained. ⁵The Holy Spirit is the Translator of the laws of God to those who do not understand them. ⁶You could not do this yourself because a conflicted mind cannot be faithful to one meaning, and will therefore change the meaning to preserve the form.
5. The Holy Spirit’s purpose in translating is exactly the opposite. ²He translates only to preserve the original meaning in all respects and in all languages. ³Therefore, He opposes the idea that differences in form are meaningful, emphasising always that these differences do not matter. ⁴The meaning of His message is always the same: only the meaning matters. ⁵God’s law of creation does not involve the use of truth to convince His Sons of truth. ⁶The extension of truth, which is the law of the Kingdom, rests only on the knowledge of what truth is. ⁷This is your inheritance and requires no learning at all, but when you disinherited yourself you became a learner of necessity.
6. No one questions the connection of learning and memory. ²Learning is impossible without memory since it must be consistent to be remembered. ³That is why the Holy Spirit’s teaching is a lesson in remembering. ⁴I said before that He teaches remembering and forgetting, but the forgetting is only to make the remembering consistent. ⁵You forget in order to remember better. ⁶You will not understand His translations while you listen to two ways of interpreting them. ⁷Therefore you must forget or relinquish one to understand the other. ⁸This is the only way you can learn consistency, so that you can finally be consistent.
7. What can the perfect consistency of the Kingdom mean to those who are confused? ²It is apparent that confusion interferes with meaning, and therefore prevents the learner from appreciating it. ³There is no confusion in the Kingdom, because there is only one meaning. ⁴This meaning comes from God and is God. ⁵Because it is also you, you share it and extend it as your Creator did. ⁶This needs no translation because it is perfectly understood, but it does need extension because it means extension. ⁷Communication is perfectly direct and perfectly united. ⁸It is totally free, because nothing discordant ever enters. ⁹That is why it is the Kingdom of God. ¹⁰It belongs to Him and is therefore like Him. ¹¹That is its reality, and nothing can assail it.